Autumn Portraits in Devon


Changing Seasons & Falling Leaves

I spend a lot of time in Devon so I was able to photograph a beautiful location portrait session with Jennifer in amongst all the colours of Autumn. There are always more options than you might think for locations photoshoots during Autumn and Winter. You get such beautiful colours of the leaves, berries, winter shrubs, gorse bushes.


For our portrait photoshoot We visited Buckland Abbey near pLymouth as they have beautiful walkways through the grounds.

The trees were full of colour, the bright yellows and reds were fantastic, and the woodland floor was full of brown leaves. The walled garden even at this time of year was filled with shrubs of lovely shades of green and there were even a couple of white roses still trying to hang on.

It’s always good to have a winter time location near a tea room as well so we could stop by at the end to warm up and have a cuppa tea! Whilst we were there we also had a look around the abbey itself.

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The 700 year old stone walls made for some lovely photo spots.

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Winter styling can look just as beautiful with colourful jumpers, hats or accessorising with some jewellery.

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Congratulations to Jennifer on her engagement as well. You can just about see her beautifully unique ring made from silver and gemstones. She decided that traditional gold rings weren’t really her style. She loves crystals and gemstones so she really has the perfect ring which matches her crystal necklace as well!

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The sun was shining catching all the colours of the autumn leaves.

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